Selected Portfolio
You can access some of my favorite published pieces below.
Personal Essays
I had to give up drinking, and I realized the unhealthy ways we talk about alcohol for HelloGiggles
I don’t want to get married but I still fantasize about weddings for The Tempest
I’m so happy my parents got divorced for The Tempest
How I took charge of my healthcare when hormonal birth control impacted my mental health for HelloGiggles
Reported Features
South African universities are facing a crisis of sexual assault committed by staff for The Tempest
The Whistle Stop School’s fast track to literacy for The Daily Maverick
A Safe Space At UCKAR: The BACK.TALK Womxn’s Collective Poster-Making Workshop for The Daily Vox
Gadra’s ‘secret weapon’: writing skills for Grocott’s Mail
“An enlightening read that makes you want to stand on a mountain top and shout, “Viva feminism, viva”. Living While Feminist is powerful, real and raw.” – Qaanitah Hunter
An essay I wrote titled “Shaving” is featured in this anthology published by Kwela (an imprint of NB Publishers) and edited by Jen Thorpe.